Leading Change with Positivity and Resilience

Orange Frog Workshop: Leading Positive Results™


A positive engaged brain is the greatest competitive advantage in the modern economy. It is ESSENTIAL in rapidly changing environments and is needed today more than ever before.

Both Agility and Engagement are a function of employee happiness. Companies therefore need ‘The Happiness Advantage’. A decade of research proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome; employees are more creative, productive, less fatigued and likely to be more resilient in a rapidly changing world.

Leading POSITIVE ResultsTM | Orange Frog workshop provides a blueprint for increasing employee engagement and tapping into people’s intrinsic motivations.

This workshop has been credited with raising engagement scores, increasing levels of optimism and well-being, reducing stress and producing record breaking financial and business results.

Harvard Business Review put Shawn Achor on its cover, his TEDTalk is among the top 20 of all-time and Oprah has featured him in her favorite talk show, Super Soul Sunday.

Leading Personal Effectiveness Today


As organization drive productivity and efficiency through enabling and equipping their employees to embody their purpose, focusing on new roles at work for personal growth and development, employees tend to fall into boring, mundane routine that can be demotivating and impact engagement levels.

Engaging and positive work environment and culture become more pivotal to have positive mindset shifts, build relevant capabilities and become everyday role-models for teams.

Every action that employees perform on a daily basis needs to be sustainable and cohesive with the organizations values whether it’s in the projects they manage, the networks they develop, the stakeholders they collaborate with, whilst learning, growing, building meaningful relationships and delivering results.

The Hero In Me™


We were all heroes once.

“Where is my hero in me now?”

This is a highly experiential workshop aims to help participants appreciate and embrace the hero in them, be brave to call out the hero in them, and finally be ready to sail through change and challenges ahead of them in a positive and resilience manner.

In summary, participants go through a high impact experiential process to own their story, and re-create a new story in future by adopting a heroic attitude in facing challenges ahead!



EQ@WORK, a programme customized from principles contained within Six Seconds’ (www.sixseconds.org) international tried and tested model of Emotional Intelligence. The model allows us to identify the competencies required to increase the people-side of performance — all grounded in current neuroscience.

The Six Seconds model of Emotional Intelligence includes three macro areas, or ‘pursuits’, with eight underlying competencies. The key macro areas are:

  1. Know Yourself
  2. Choose Yourself
  3. Give Yourself

This model is presented in a CIRCLE – it’s not a list, it’s a process. The process works when you spin it, like a propeller moving a ship. As you move through the 3 pursuits you gain positive momentum.

Under the 3 pursuits are 8 specific, learnable, measurable competencies. They’re measured through the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment – or SEI.

Say Hello to Change


The business world is changing all the while. Many of times, change fails because of a few reasons:

  • does not see the need to change
  • does not have the urgency to change
  • thinks others need to change and not me

This 2-day custom workshop aims to equip participants with the mindset for readiness to change. It helps to create awareness by re-examining the current business world, and themselves as a person reacting towards change, and prepare them with a positive attitude towards the changes ahead.

Achieve through Change (Frontliners / Managers)


This 2-day customized workshop aims to equip participants with the mindset for readiness to change. It is broken into 3 key parts aimed to pitch at the level of participants to help them achieve through Change. (Aware, Accept, and Achieve)

It helps to create awareness by re-examining the current business world, work context and themselves as a person reacting towards change, and prepare them with a positive attitude towards the changes ahead to achieve success.

Who We Are

We are a professional boutique training and consultancy company with in-depth working relationship with each and every of our client. Being small and professional allow us to be focused and yet flexible in meeting our clients’ needs, hence, helps our clients in building and implementing workable solutions.

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